Introducing the Stamparatus: A New Way to Stamp!

This is probably the biggest innovative news from OnStage Live in Salt Lake City this past week….

…..Introducing the Stamparatus!

It’s always big news when something breaks the mold and changes everything, especially from Stampin’ Up!  The Stamparatus is going to change the way you stamp, and before long, you’ll wonder how you crafted without it!

Introducing the Stamparatus

We didn’t get to play with the Stamparatus or even touch it but we, as attendees of Stampin’ Up’s 2017 OnStage Live event last Thursday-Friday-Saturday, got to see it demonstrated.  Simply stated:  Oh My!  Oh Wow!  Oh Awesome!  And I’m so glad I waited for Stampin’ Up!’s version of a repetitive placement tool.

How did Stampin’ Up! come up with the name?

  • Stamp:  it helps you to stamp by acting as a clear block and holding the red rubber or photopolymer image.
  • Apparatus:  it’s a technical piece of equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.
  • New vocabulary word:  stamp+apparatus = stamparatus

Check out this video:


Even though it won’t be available until February, have someone give you a promissory Stamparatus gift card for Christmas.

As a customer you can reserve your Stamparatus via a new system Stampin’ Up! is trying.  Reserve between November 16-30, for delivery around February 1, 2018.  Just go to my Online Store between those dates and place your reservation.  If you find that you need to “un-reserve” it before it has shipped you can also do that on my website.  But to “re-reserve” it you’ll have to wait until the next reservation period.  I’ll keep you updated on those time periods.  While a credit card is required to reserve your Stamparatus, it will not be charged until the item has shipped.

I’ll bet you’re wondering about the cost.  $49.  What a deal.  I saw the Stamparatus demonstrated at OnStage Live and WOW is it awesome and does it have more capabilities that you’ve seen in other similar products!  I’m definitely looking forward to that February 1st shipping date.

It will be in the 2018-2019 Annual Catalog that will be released on June 1st but that’s a long time from now so be sure reserve (pre-order) yours during one of the three pre-order periods.

Introducting the Stamparatus

I hope you’re as excited as I am that we are introducing the Stamparatus.  It’s amazing.  I’ll be pre-ordering mine between Nov 16-30 and getting it in February.  Will you?




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