Finishing out 2-hour stamping time was rather bittersweet. Leading a stamping class is always fun for me but this ‘teenage’ stamping opportunity was a totally awesome surprise. I won’t call the group charming because that term just doesn’t quite fit. But they were educated, polite, full of gentle and respectful humor and just plan great!
Our final project was a sour cream container. And it was to be filled with pieces of candy which popped open their eyes and very big smiles. Candy always brings a reaction!
Each participant had a single 4″ x 5-1/4″ piece of Designer Series Paper at the bottom of their supply stack. “What’s this paper for?” I told them I saved the best project for last……the candy filled (only if they wanted to put candy inside!) sour cream container.

I told the group that if they wanted to stamp with me during next year’s “Camp Nana” experience, they’d have to come to Idaho since that’s where we’d be living by that time. It got some ‘awwwws’ and laughs. Finishing our 2-hour stamping time was a fabulous interlude to packing and making a home ready for sale in four weeks. I had a great time with these previously unknown teenagers and I was left with nothing but high respect for them, their futures, and their grandparents and parents. Good job done by all!
P.S. I’ll have the instructions for the bookmark and sour cream container tomorrow. I have to switch job descriptions right now and get to my two hours (minimum) of priming deck railings……a brutal, boring, almost thankless task. Final outcome will be worth it. By the way…..I’m looking for a few helpers for this underwhelming/overwhelming task. Many hands make light work. 🙂