And here are some maybe less known events that happen in December:
Not only is December National Bingo Month and Human Rights Months. It’s also Send a Friend a Card Month. We can certainly do that!!
Week One: Cookie Cutter Week, National Handwashing Awareness Week
Week Two: Human Rights Week
Week Three: Halcyon Days*
Week Four: It’s About Time Week
1st: Eat a Red Apple Day (I prefer Honey Crisps)
3rd: International Day of Disabled Persons
4th: Santa’s List Day (are you on the ‘nice’ list?)
Phonograph invented in 1877!
6th: St. Nicholas Day
7th: National Cotton Candy Day AND Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
10th: Dewey Decimal System Day
12th: Poinsettia Day
14th: Monkey Day
16th: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
20th: Go Caroling Day
21st: Winter Solstice AND Humbug Day
22nd: National Haiku Poetry Day
25th: Christmas Day
26th: Boxing Day
27th: National Fruitcake Day
28th: Pledge of Allegiance Day
31st: New Year’s Eve
*Halcyon Days are always the 7 days before and the 7 days after the Winter Solstice. I didn’t know that!
Now let’s make it a great December.