That’s for sure. The way time flies, before you know it Christmas will be here. And finally I’m ready to share the first eight cards that I’ve prepared for our monthly Christmas Card Buffets.

What you ask??? Yes. On the last Wednesday of August, September and October, and then the next to last Wednesday of November (Thanksgiving takes priority on that last week in November) I will again be hosting our Annual Christmas Card Buffets. From 1-4 p.m. in my home in Boise, attendees will assemble the four cards they’ve selected from a separate page. The link is in the last paragraph.
Attendees will select TWO cards from the eight sample cards. They’ll make two each of their chosen two cards. Card selection for each Buffet must be made one week prior to give me time to prep the card packets. Each month I’ll be adding a few more cards to the selection pot.
Class fee each month is $25. You do not have to attend all four sessions……….but you certainly can! Christmas music will accompany each session. (I’m a sap for Christmas music of all kinds!)
Questions? If you are outside of the Boise, Idaho area and would like to participate in one or some or all of these buffets, let me know via email ( as soon as you’ve made your card decision. Your fee will be the same $25 for the four cards PLUS postage. Unfortunately I can’t do any of the stamping of images per Stampin’ Up!’s regulations. But there will be a tutorial for each project and you can substitute images or purchase the set we’ve used via my online Stampin’ Up! store.
You can view the first eight card buffet selections here. Happy selecting! Please ask me if you have any questions.