Wishing You a Safe and Memorable 4th of July

American Flag and Eagle

Please remember how we became the United States of America and our service men and women who do their best to see that we remain the United States of America.

We are a country of melding, of melting into the existing culture that makes us so envious by much of the rest of the world.

Even though Kate Smith was not my favorite singer as a child, hearing her voice now, as she sings God Bless America, just stops me cold now and gives me goose bumps.  I melt.  And my eyes fill with tears.



Take five minutes, sit back, reflect on the words of Irving Berlin’s song and just what we do have here in America and wave your American flag with pride.

Happy 4th.  Be safe in your travels.

American flag proudly flying in Mi Wuk Village CA
American flag proudly flying in Mi Wuk Village CA



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