We’re back from 4 days of camping.  There is nothing like a shower after all that dust and heat and f-u-n.

I have to share just a few iconic camping photos and then I’ll share Anne’s project.  We went to Clark Fork Campground in the Central Sierra Nevada mtns. about 45 minutes from our home, 3-4 hour drive for the rest of the campers, most of whom live in California’s infamous Silicon Valley.  We’ve made this annual July trek for the last 13-14 years and it just grows on and on.

Husband and friends cooking quesadillas
My husband Russ did most of the dinner preparations at home but there were a few final preps for each meal. This meal: Russ, Andrea (daughter), Jason (friend of daughter), and Jen (friend of daughter) prepared the steak quesadillas and got them plate ready.
Guys doing dishes!
Russ and I have taken on the dinner preparations, letting the families take care of their breakfasts, lunches, and snacks. Various campers (kids and parents alike) helped put together salads. And……various parents did the dishes. Saturday night was ‘the guys’. Jeff, Carson, Marc and Dennis.  And a few words from ‘the boss’.
dishes done and dried
I am so impressed with what the guys did. Thanks for the break and assistance for sure.  That’s our tent in the background.
Clark's Fork creek behind our campsite.
We spent the afternoons at Clark Fork River, behind our campsite. Fun and safe for all, plus it offered fishing.  And MUD from a recent rainfall for the 6-7 year old crowd.  They’re ‘painting’ a small boulder in the left background with mud.
5 yr olds building bug houses
The five year old boys, Landen, Zion and Andrew built bug houses.
10 yr olds talking about ???
The 10 year olds pow-wowed in this half tent. That was a first.  Sydney, Elisabeth, Austin, Jack and Bradley.
What’s a better way to end the campfire time than with a ‘smore??? Melissa and moi.
2014 Klipple 'family' campers
This year there were 16 children under 10 and under, a bunch of adults and one very well behaved dog.  My grandson Austin (black tee shirt, near center of kids’ row), one of the 10 year olds, was 11 weeks old on his first campout. He even got dirty just laying there!

I hope you vicariously enjoyed your little trip to Clark Fork camp gound, about 6000′ in the Central Sierra Mountains of Northern California.  We sure did for the past 4 days.

Anne’s project will be in the next post, standing alone as it should.  I promise!

By the way, what do you think of my new in-progress banner and blog set up?  My daughter-in-law Khris is working on a facelift, still in progress.  I’m tickled.


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