I don’t know what Christmas Eve is like at your house, but at mine, I start to do some of the necessary cooking preps for the next few days of celebrating during the day.

One thing I find really pleasurable to do sometime in the days before Christmas — or any day in winter when you just need a bit of a pick-me-up — is to bake a cup of cake.  Yes, you heard me right.  A CUP of chocolate CAKE.  I first shared this treat in 2008.  You can check out that post, on my old Typepad blog, here.  (I’m finally adding the Kahlua splash this year that I first mentioned in 2008!)

You’ve probably been running around, shopping, wrapping and stamping so why not step back, take a break and treat yourself to a piece.  You could actually share this cup of chocolate cake.  It’s definitely fun to make.  And eat.  And once you have your ingredients assembled it takes less than 10 minutes from mixing to savoring!

Ivy and Mr. Ditwiddie oversee the ingredients for the cup of cake
Ivy and Mr. Ditwiddie oversee the ingredients for the cup of cake

You’re going to need:

  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 3 tablespoons oil
  • 3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional—–but I don’t think they’re optional!!)  I used Andes Creme de Menthe Baking Chips this year since that’s what was in my pantry.  Deee-licious.
  • small spash of vanilla extract
  • (optional) 2 tablespoons Kahlua or other creamy liqueur.  If you add the Kahlua, use regular chocolate chips, not mint (in my humble opinion).
  • 1 large coffee mug
  • Pam no-stick cooking spray


Ingredients measured into a small mixing bowl
Ingredients measured into a small mixing bowl
Mixed ingredients
Whip ’em up.
Pour mixed ingredients into your cup/mug
Pour mixed ingredients into your cup/mug that has been greased.  I use PAM spray.
Mr. D. checking out the batter in the cup.
Mr. D. checking out the batter in the cup.
Mr. Dinwittie approves
Mr. Dinwittie approves
This is how it looks coming out of the cup
This is how it looks coming out of the cup
Burl Ives is ready to jump in.
Burl Ives is ready to jump in.
Klause, the Simpich elf, approves too.
Klause, the Simpich elf, approves too.

(Minus two bites!  I had to check it out didn’t I?)  This year I added some Kahlua (1 tablespoon) for a tad more moisture.  If you don’t like or have Kahlua or another creamy liqueur in the house try adding another tablespoon of oil.  The Andes baking chips are yummy with that touch of mint.  Mint equals Christmas holidays to me!

Next ‘batch’:  2 tablespoons (as stated in the recipe) of Kahlua and regular chocolate chips.  The mint is overwhelming the pure chocolate flavoring.  My humble opinion comments.  🙂

This project took 10 minutes once the ingredients were removed from cupboards and placed on the kitchen counter to cake in mouth. Talk about instant gratification!

Here are the instructions:

Spray your mug (2 cups volume) with Pam.  Mix ingredients in mixing bowl and pour into mug.  Cook on high in the microwave for 2.5 – 3 minutes.  Start with 2.5.  It might rise above the mug.  Don’t worry.  (Mine didn’t rise above the mug but that’s because I used such a large mug.)  Remove from microwave.  While cooling, the cake will fall back into the mug.  “Pour it out” onto a plate and attack with a fork.

This is a perfect single portion of cake!   Enjoy.  And share your experience with us.  Please!

P.S.  11.35 a.m.   I just made another Cup of Cake, this time with mini chocolate chips (3 Tablespoons) and 2 Tablespoons of Kahlua.  Perfect again.  Yes, of course I tasted it!

Klause, theCup of Cake with 3 T mini choc. chips and 2 T Kahlua
Cup of Cake with 3 T mini choc. chips and 2 T Kahlua

Blythe recommends stopping what you’re doing and go make a cup of cake.  It’s moist and delicious!  Fun!  And, best of all, yummy!

Blythe's ponsettia Christmas signature


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