Oh my gosh, after several intense weeks of preparing for a fund raiser spaghetti dinner at our fire station as well as a craft fair just a mile up the road, finally I have my life back!
Not only  am I chairman of the Spaghetti Dinner, I also opted to participate in the local Chief Fuller Craft Fair.  I shared a booth with my friend Paula who offered to ‘man’ the booth while I was off barking ‘orders’ at the fire station.  Paula made lovely earrings.  I had my Stampin’ Up! cards and a few catalogs.

I ‘m glad I participated in both events. Â I’m glad they’re successfully over. Â And I’m very glad that I have my life back, at least for the time being. Â Just think……in a few days (September 5th) the Holiday Catalog goes live and another round of ‘crazy fun’ begins. Â Send me an email if you need a hard copy of the catalog. Â You can click here for the PDF. Â And don’t forget my online store when you’re ready to place your order. Â And now it’s back out to the fire station to inventory and put away the charing dishes, take out containers, cups, etc etc etc.