A Flash from my Past

I’m guessing it was 4-5 years ago that I was on a roll making little magazine file boxes that held our finished hand stamped cards.  (actually it was 11 years!)  And then bye-n-bye they just fell by the wayside.  Well….in my unpacking of many boxes in our garage I came upon a smooshed box.

Enter light bulb flashing.

I’ve been wanting to create sets of hand stamped cards for sale and, voila, this is my answer.  I’m replacing my smooshed box with a new one and now I’m ready to go forth with my plan of finished card kits to go.  Next is a flashier name!

I went back to look for my old posts and, sadly, although I have the link, the photos have apparently been deleted.  I actually think that particular post was transferred in from Typed to my current WordPress blog platform.  But you can get the idea verbally from this 2009 post!  And I just found another post from 2017.  This one has a tutorial.  COMMENT ADDED 6/3/20:  That tutorial is terrible.  I’m so sorry for thinking anyone could follow it.  I will post another far superior and much more simple!

Here’s that file:

Magazine file type card holder
March 2017 Magazine type Card File


Now to get to work on creating some new ones.  I’ll be back in a day or two with some new images.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about this new project.  Please share if you get brave and make one or two.  This is another stamping project that’s addictive.


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