Enlightening Video About How Stampin’ Up! Ink Pads are Made

Last year when my sister and I drove to Stampin’ Up’s convention in Salt Lake City we went quite a bit out of our way to stop in Kanab Utah, site of Stampin’ Up!’s manufacturing plant.  It — was — interesting to say the least.  The entire manufacturing plant visit was amazing.

I can’t figure out how to post a more direct link to Sara Douglass’s video of the process, so please click below to see how our stamp pads are made.


Once in a great while an over- or under-inked classic stamp pad will slip through the warehouse and into your order box.  If that ever happens to you, let me know immediately!  Stampin’ Up! will make it right immediately.

There is both manual and automatic labor from start to finish in preparing the stamp pads for us:

Glue is placed on open pad; then ink soaked pad attached
Glue is placed on open pad; then ink soaked pad is place on top of glue.


Bottom label is attached by machine
Bottom label is attached by machine after being set in place by the ‘blue gloved’ employee.


Top label is attached by machine
Top label is attached by machine after being set on conveyor belt by same employee.


Pads are wrapped in shrink wrap, manual and machine
Pads are wrapped in shrink wrap, manual start and machine finish.


Finished pads are placed in carton ready to ship to Riverton Utah warehouse
Finished pads are placed in carton ready to ship to Riverton Utah warehouse


Be sure to check out the video for a much better view of the making of our stamp pads.  You’ll have to scroll down a bit.  I’m not always a technological genius!  Enjoy it though.



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