Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial

I’m not quite sure what to call this step-by-step expanded image tutorial but in this case pictures are worth a thousand words I think.  These photos refer to yesterday’s post but the technique can be adapted for other opportunities as well.

Use Clear Block I to stamp the two words side by side:

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


Using Clear Block I, ink up one half of the banner image and stamp over the greeting.  Clean image thoroughly with Stampin’ Mist and a Stampin’ Scrub.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


Position ‘half stamped image’ over the greeting and stamp.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


Clean image thoroughly and ink up the other end of the banner image.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


Position banner image carefully over the other end of the greeting.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


You can see that I slightly missed that perfect alignment.  You can also see that I didn’t clean my image quite as well as I thought I did.  Shame on me!  It will still work though or…… I would if this was going onto a real card, I would start once more from the beginning.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


Lay the Banner Framelit *.  over the right end of the stamped image and position the card stock and framelit so that the left end of the greeting is “hanging off” of the Magnetic Platform.  Run the image and framelit through the Big Shot as usual.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


This is how it will look after going through the Big Shot:

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


Turn image around so the other end – plus the framelit – is hanging off of the Magnetic Platform and continue to run them through the Big Shot.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


And this is the finished product.  You have successfully extended the length of the die-cut banner as well as the entire image and stamped banner.  When there’s a will (or a need) there can sometimes be a way.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


And this is the finished card from yesterday’s post.

Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial


I really hope you stretch your skills and try this technique that I’ve shared with you on this Step-by-Step Expanded Image Tutorial.  It’s given me a rather ‘powerful and expanded’ sense of my skills.

* This Large Numbers Framelits set retires (s-a-d-l-y) on May 31st (like t-o-m-o-r-r-o-w), so if you want it for your collection I would suggest you jump right on it!  Just make a quick trip over to my Stampin’ Up! store by clicking on the words Large Numbers Framelits above.

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