Stampin’ Up!’s 3-month prepaid subscriptions are on sale for Sale-A-Bration (January 5-March 31, 2016)! It’s a great way to earn FREE Sale-A-Bration items.
If you order a 3-Month Prepaid Subscription* (137859) $55, you’ll not only save on a 3-month prepaid subscription but you’ll also instantly qualify for a FREE Sale-A-Bration item!
Or……if you’re already committed to trying Paper Pumpkin but haven’t yet subscribed, why not take it to the next level with a 12-month prepaid subscription (137861) for $215.40. That means that shortly after the 10th of each month you’ll receive an orange box in the mail full of creative ideas and supplies for that month’s project. You’ll also get 4 FREE Sale-A-Bration items! Oh. What. Fun! To take advantage of this opportunity, go to on January 5th for information on how to subscribe so you can take advantage of this Sale-a-Bration special opportunity. As always, please select me as your Stampin’ Up! demonstrator so I can be prepared to help you with new ideas and questions.