To say that February (and January) have been unpredictable months is an understatement! After five years of drought (causing problems of it’s own in our part of California) we have been experiencing record snow and rain. Trees down, power outages and barely plowed roads which hampers getting out to the highway.
Add a bunch of birthdays, family events and classes plus some extra stamping (display boards) for Stampin’ Up’s semi-annual OnStage Local event, this time in San Diego, I’ve been chasing my tail.
Oh, and I acquired some new ‘furniture’ for my stampin’ studio which is requiring some rearranging and reorganizing. Never a dull moment.
Hence, the buffet samples are more than late. Additionally, for this President’s Weekend we have three grandkidlets added to the mix. No quality/safe stamping time. Fun time though for sure. Today it’ll be sledding at a local destination called Leland Meadows—as long as it’s not raining at their elevation!