Why I Stamp…or…The Fun Stress of Actually Painting

This past Sunday I took a hookey day with my daughter, Andrea, and we went to Pinot’s Palette in Alameda CA to actually do a painting.  With acrylics.

This was the redemption of my January 2016 birthday gift……an afternoon together, painting and sipping some wine.  We could never work out a mutual date with a painting we both liked until this one.  And actually this was a “do or die” opportunity since Andrea and her family will be moving out of the area at the end of the school year.  Yes, I got over the shock of that announcement fairly (and amazingly) quickly.

We had nice up front seats with our names on them
We had nice up front seats with our names on them


paint palette of the day
This was our paper plate color palette


First the background, then the moon
First the background, then the moon.  The outside shape of the moon was shaped by a paper plate as well.


Blythe and Andrea
Now we’re filling in our moons with white paint.


finished painting
Our finished paintings….mermaid sitting on a moon. Andrea’s talisman for years and years has been the mermaid and that’s why this was the perfect painting for us.


Pretty cool huh?

And now it’s back to stamping.  Today is my monthly Card Buffet and I’m looking forward to my guests’ arrival in about two hours.







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