Do you know how difficult it is for me to post when I’m traveling? I try and try and……well, it just doesn’t seem to happen. This morning, everyone except my hubby and me, has left for their normal life and we’ve been left alone. My first priority–the blog and my readers! So here you are…….
When I attend Stampin’ Up! events I always know I’ll being seeing many special Stampin’ Up! friends. But this On Stage event in Salt Lake City seemed to be the exception to that rule. Yes, I saw many dear friends from past events but this year I also met many new friends. It gives me goose bumps just writing about the smiles I experienced.
I chose to attend the On Stage event in Salt Lake City this time ’round. I’m so glad I did. And here are some of my friends and why they’re so special to me. The pix are in the order I ran into each person.
I ran into all of the gals above at the Friday night Centre Stage dinner and business presentation for demonstrators who are Silver Elite or above. We have a certain number of downline as well as a certain amount of sales per year.
Saturday was the official On Stage Local event, a semi-annual gathering of SU! demonstrators.
And these gals, my friends and readers, are a perk of being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator. You meet fellow demonstrators in the strangest places and you always have something in common to chat about. And reuniting with these special Stampin’ Up! friends at a Stampin’ Up! event is just so…much…fun!