Fitting wood blocks back into a crowded box is sometimes near to impossible. Do you ever have that problem.? Some sets fit easily whereas others have to be positioned just right.
The other day I opened my new-to-me Half Full 10 piece stamp set. Before I moved a wood block I took a photo of the layout with the index sitting in the lid of the box. Then I printed the photo. (I just learned that I could print a photo from my iPhone and now I’m dangerous!)

I attached the indexes and the red rubber to each stamp, taking out only one wood block at a time and replacing it right where I took it from. Then I attached the photo to the lid of the storage box using Fast Fuse, my favorite go-to adhesive.

Now, when all my stamps are in use, out of their storage box, I’ll have no problem fitting the wood blocks into the box, just where they belong.