“……custom, ceremony, celebration, consecration — come to us wrapped up, not in tissue and ribbons, but in cherished memories. This is the month of miracles.” -Simple Abundance, December.
I have a great plan for December that will come to fruition in January 2015:
Starting today, take a photo (or maybe two or three) every day in December. Then, the second week in January I will be offering an in-home as well as online class placing our photos and memories into a 6″ x 8″ Project Life album, embellishing our pages with a Project Life Card Collection and an Accessory Pack of your choice.
Watch for details to come in a few weeks.
And now…….what will today’s photo be. I’ve taken mine. Believe it or not, it’s my decorated tree. I brought down my collection of Christmas Annalee Mobility Dolls from the attic for the first time in 5-6 years. I decided that this year I’d just deal with the hassle of more boxes from the attic. I know I have a lot of Annalee figures but I didn’t realize I had that many!

This is also the first year we’ve put up a Christmas tree since my stepson was diagnosed with ALS in 2010. Caring for him took all of our time and energy and frankly, we weren’t really home to be able to enjoy a holiday decorated house.
I was more than ready for a decorated home and I took care of that need over this past weekend. (Hence, no stamping!!!)
The first page of my December 2014 month-of-photos will be commemorating this tree and all the thoughts behind it.
My monthly Stampin’ Tips and Talk newsletter goes out tomorrow. Are you on my mailing list? You won’t want to miss it. Just sign up over on the sidebar. I do NOT use your email address for anything other than my newsletter (no selling there–just info) or annual Twelve Weeks of Christmas special newsletter.
Speaking of the Twelve Weeks of Christmas: Week 10 comes out on Wednesday afternoon. The topic is wrapping, gift bags and tags. Don’t miss it! Yes, you need to sign up for my mailing list!
I’m so glad you stopped by today and I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Lots of ideas will be coming forth this month.